
Anderson University

ENGR 2001: Intro to Engineering

ENGR 2030: Circuit Analysis and Lab

ENGR 3030: Signals and Control

ENGR 3220: Electronics and Lab

ENGR 3230: Analog Circuit Design and Lab

ENGR 3240: Electromagnetic Theory

ENGR 3280: Microcontrollers

ENGR 4020: Mechatronics System Design

ENGR 4230: Power Systems

Roger Williams University

ENGR 115: Computer Applications for Engineers

ENGR 240: Circuit Theory and Lab

ENGR 360: Signals and Systems

ENGR 410: Computer Vision (Independent Study)

ENGR 410: Digital Control Systems (Independent Study)

ENGR 410: Advanced DSP (Independent Study)

ENGR 424: Digital Signal Processing

ENGR 430: Power Systems and Electronics

ENGR 445: Dynamic Modeling and Control

ENGR 460: Electromagnetic Theory